ICA proudly sponsors Skole Kook inter-schools television cooking competition

For the past two years, the ICA has been actively involved as one of the main sponsors for popular kykNET inter-schools cooking competition, Skole Kook.  Learners from all over the country compete in groups of 2 throughout the year for the title of National Winner!  The Skole Kook team travels South Africa, visiting designated schools and filming their Grade 12 learner teams in action.

Part of the ICA’s involvement, is judging the competition throughout the Western Cape and Free State provinces.  This year, ICA chef lecturer, Selwyn October, will be acting as judge for a total of 28 competitions, aiding in determining who SA’s Skole Kook winners will be.  The winners of this year’s competition will once again walk away with the grand prize of a part-bursary to study at the Institute of Culinary Arts, setting them well away on their path to culinary success.

One of the ICA’s current first year students, Juwan Beyers, was a participant in the 2017 Skole Kook series of competitions.  Juwan and his team mate did extremely well and was supported in full by his school, teacher, parents and peers.  Inspired to make cheffing his life, Juwan enrolled to study at the ICA and continues his journey to the top at our beautiful campus in Stellenbosch.  In a recent ICA newsletter, Juwan contributed a short piece about what studying at the ICA means to him:
“When I stand on the hilltop at the ICA campus, struck by this view, beautiful and bright, I am reminded that perseverance is the key to make my dreams possible.  Thankfully here at the ICA I am being equipped to paint my own rainbow, a rainbow as magnificent as this one.”

Get your early morning cup of coffee and watch ICA chef lecturer Selwyn October’s weekly contribution to help the Skole Kook team decide who South Africa’s next winning team will be:
Groot Ontbyt
kykNET (Channel 144, repeat at 08h45 on channel 145)

If you miss the broadcast, follow us on Facebook for all the news!