- Preheat the oven to 170°C and grease muffin tins with non-stick cooking spray.
- Heat the milk and MannaBrew Superfood Espresso powder in a saucepan until warm. Allow to infuse for 15 minutes and strain.
- Add the oats to the milk mixture and allow to soak.
- In a large bowl, sieve the cake flour, MannaBrew Organic Mesquite Flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Add the pecan nuts and dates and stir to combine.
- In a separate bowl, combine the egg, brown sugar and treacle sugar. Whisk until light and fluffy, 3-4 minutes. Add the oil gradually while continuously whisking.
- Fold in the milk and oat mixture.
- Fold in the flour mixture.
- Fill the muffin tray with the muffin batter and add a light sprinkling of raw oats on top.
- Bake for 15 minutes and transfer to a wire rack to cool.
TIP: Spoon a dollop of tinned caramel into the centre of each muffin before baking to create a hidden centre.