Master Your Culinary Skills
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Monday 16 March marked yet another ICA graduation. This year though, quick and definite decisions needed to be made in light of the statement by South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, on measures to combat the declared pandemic COVID-19 and flatten the infection curve.
Although the official graduation event gathering in the Hofmeyr Hall in Stellenbosch could no longer take place, the ICA ensured a more intimate event in the controlled environment of its campus grounds to congratulate and celebrate all graduating students’ success and achievements. Luckily, some students were able to collect their diplomas from campus during the course of the day. Others that could not change their plans will recieve theirs separately at a later stage.
Respective ICA and City & Guilds International qualifications were handed out and graduates are now armed with the best culinary stamp of approval South Africa has to offer!
The ICA will be following their individual careers closely and look forward to celebrating many more accomplishments and accolades with yet another group of talented young culinary professionals.
ICA Merit Award winners, Sura Myburgh (left) and Eileen Engelbrecht (right) were proudly presented with the coveted certificates in their respective specialization fields and Eileen was also awarded the 2019 Top Achiever title and trophy – the highest accolade an ICA student can achieve in their culinary studies.
For the entire duration of the study programme, Eileen holistically delivered exceptional and consistent high performance in both the academic and practical aspects of the study program.
In order for a student to qualify for the Top Achiever accolade and award, it required continuous focus, tremendous energy and effort on campus as well as during the experiential training phase while placed in industry. Eileen showed an admirable positive attitude towards learning, fellow students, lecturing staff and the ICA as a whole.
The ICA applauds her as a true ambassador and for the consistent degree of excellence that was repeatedly achieved throughout three years of studies on campus and in the industry.
It is therefore no surprise that a recent industry assessment report from an ICA experiential training mentor quoted the following: “Eileen is always keen, has a positive attitude towards her work and takes on challenges even when it gets tough.”
The ICA is extremely proud to present this honour and award to Eileen Engelbrecht who humbly accepted the award with the following words:
“The skills and abilities I have gained at the ICA have not only taught me how to push through during difficult times in the industry, but have helped me navigate and overcome trying times in a personal capacity too. I will endeavour to remain a true ICA ambassador to the end.”
In the meantime, the ICA administration office remains open and active but all curricular activities have been suspended and will commence again on Monday 30 March 2020.
All scheduled classes affected by this arrangement will be rostered during the course of the upcoming two academic blocks and specific dates and times will be confirmed in due course. The situation will constantly be re-evaluated as new information becomes available about the status of the COVID-19 protocol.
The ICA urge all our students to follow recommended protocol to ensure your own safety and that of others during this time.